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What Items Are Not Allowed In Checked Luggage?

What Items Are Not Allowed In Checked Luggage? Find Out Here!

Which Items Are Restricted In Checked Luggage? – Our Guide!

If you’re packing your checked luggage for a holiday or business trip, you might be wondering what items you can and cannot take in your checked luggage. 

In your checked luggage you should avoid packing anything restricted such as lithium-ion batteries over 100Wh, alcohol over 140 proof and electronic cigarettes.

Which Items Are Restricted In Checked Luggage?

In our guide below, we will take you through which items are not allowed in checked luggage, which items are not allowed in hand luggage, what we recommend not packing in checked luggage and some general tips for packing your checked luggage to help you out.

Which Items Are Not Allowed In Checked Luggage?

It’s important to know what items are okay to pack in your checked luggage and which ones aren’t to avoid any unexpected luggage delays or your luggage not making it to your destination. 

Most common items can always be packed in your checked luggage but it’s worth checking with the airline just in case.

We’ve listed which items to avoid packing in your checked luggage down below.

  • Lighters – Full lighters, electronic lighters and torch lighters should not be packed inside of checked luggage under any circumstances, this includes zippo lighters too. You can pack them in your hand luggage, however.
  • E-cigarettes – E-cigarettes should only be packed in your carry-on bag, not checked luggage for safety reasons and the risk of the devices exploding during flight because of the lithium metal battery.
  • Alcohol over 140 proof – Stronger alcohol which is 140 proof and others can be considered flammable due to the strong grain, it is therefore not allowed in checked luggage.
  • Matches – Only one box of safety matches is allowed in your carry-on bag, you are not allowed to pack them in your check luggage due to the risk of being accidentally started in your bag.
  • Compressed air – Compressed air is classed as a dangerous item and is not allowed to be packed in your check or carry-on bag.

What Items Are Not Allowed In Carry-On Luggage?

As well as understanding what is not allowed to be packed in your checked luggage, you should also consider which items should not be packed inside of your carry-on bag. 

  • Liquids over 100ml – Any liquids over 100ml should not be packed inside of your carry-on bag, instead, pack them in your checked luggage. Also, avoid powders over 3.4 ounces.
  • Sharp objects – Sharp objects any objects which have over a 7-inch blade should not be packed into your checked luggage since they can be classed as a weapon.
  • Sporting equipment – Ski poles, hockey clubs and baseball bats are not okay to pack in your hand luggage since they could be used as a potential weapon.
  • Self defense items – Self defense items like pepper spray should not be taken on a plane, you might be able to pack it in your checked luggage but we would suggest checking with the airline just in case.
  • Guns – Ammunition should be packed into checked luggage only not in your hand luggage, still, you might need the airline’s approval to do this.
  • Tools – Some tools like drills are not allowed and should not be packed into your carry on bag, this is because they could be classed as a weapon, sharp items may also be refused at security.
  • Flammables – Flammable items like flammable paints and some camping gear should not be packed into your carry on luggage, they will be removed by security.

What We Recommend Not Packing In Checked Luggage 

Although you can pack most items into your checked luggage, there are some items which we would not recommend putting in your checked luggage just in case. 

  • Vacuum sealed clothes – Vacuum sealed clothes might allow you to pack better but they are a pain for security when they search through your luggage since security would not be able to pack them back to their small size.
  • Phones – Never pack phones in your checked luggage, there is a huge risk of electronic devices getting stolen and not arriving at your destination, therefore always keep them in your hand luggage.
  • Wallet – Always keep your wallet and important information like your credit card on hand when flying, it’s not worth risking your wallet being in your checked luggage and getting lost.
  • Film – There is always a risk of film and other items getting wiped when they pass through the x-ray scanner at the airport. Therefore we suggest putting film in your hand luggage and letting security know beforehand.
  • Medication – Always keep important medication in your hand luggage, never put it into your checked luggage otherwise you could risk it not arriving at your destination.
  • Jewellery – Keep jewellery on hand at all times, packing it in your checked luggage means there is a risk of theft.
  • Expensive electronics – Laptops, phones and other expensive electronics should be packed in your hand luggage not your checked luggage.
  • Details of your flight – E-tickets, hotel bookings and any other important information should be kept with you at all times when flying, avoid packing it in your checked luggage.

Essential Tips For Packing Checked Luggage

Packing your checked luggage doesn’t have to be stressful, we’ve listed some essential tips for packing down below to make your life easier.

Essential Tips For Packing Checked Luggage
  • Label bags well – Make sure all your checked luggage is labelled well with your name and address before flying. You could also make a list of items which are inside. 
  • Make them unique – Try to choose an identifiable checked luggage bag with unique prints, avoid plain black standard luggage since this can easily be mistaken for other luggage.
  • Use a TSA approved lock – If your luggage gets opened during international flights by TSA you should make sure it has a TSA approved lock, otherwise TSA have the authority to break your normal lock in order to gain access to the bag. This increases the chance of flight theft.
  • Keep the baggage tags somewhere safe – When you check in with your airline and pass through security checks, make sure to keep baggage tags near you at all times, you can even stick them on your passport. This is important in case your bag gets lost after the time of check.
  • Use space well – If there are corners of your luggage which have spaces or room inside of your shoes, utilise this space well to fit more items inside, try to spread out heavy items to avoid uneven weight. Wrap fragile items in clothes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Prohibited Items In Checked Luggage

Can I pack lithium batteries in my checked luggage?

We would suggest always packing spare batteries in your carry-on luggage, not your checked luggage, this is due to the risk of fire from loose batteries.

Could I put perishable items in my checked bag?

Most perishable items are okay to put in your checked luggage with no restrictions.

Are lighters without fuel okay to put on the hold?

Yes, lighters without fuel are okay to pack into your checked luggage, the fuel is what makes them dangerous due to it being flammable.

Which kind of alcoholic beverages are not okay to put on the hold?

Any alcoholic beverages over 140% proof should not be packed into your checked luggage since they are classed as flammable. 

Are firearm-related items okay in checked luggage?

Firearms might be okay to put in checked luggage, but you will normally need the airline’s approval.

How much should my carry-on baggage weigh?

Most airlines have a weight restriction of 6/7kg per person for their carry-on luggage, this can differ however according to the airline and the class you are flying in.

Are gas cylinders okay to take on a flight?

No, they are classed as dangerous items and should not be packed on the flight. This is due to the compressed air inside which could explode.

Prohibited Items In Checked Luggage

Last Words

Overall, a lot of items are okay to pack in your checked luggage without any restrictions. Some are restricted however such as lighters with gas, e-cigarettes and compressed air, this is because they could all cause potential fires during the flight.

Julien Beaubien

Julien Beaubien

Julien here. Traveller, a fan of leather bags and a blogger. Put all those together and you have I started the site as a medium for my ramblings. Over time, I grew to realise, people actually like them. So now, I am out to help and educate (while entertaining people!).

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