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How Long Do Travellers Stay In One Place?

Travellers spend a lot of time getting ready to go on a trip.

The process can be as simple as packing a bag with some clothes, some toiletries and a few other small items, or as complex as packing a suitcase full of clothes, toiletries, and other items.

Whether they travel for business or pleasure, whether they are in a familiar place or visiting a new destination, the process of packing for a trip is always the same.

Whether they are packing for a week away, a long trip, or something in between, there are a few things to remember when packing for a trip.

Travellers stay in one place usually 2-5 days. Depending on the purpose and length of the trip.

If you are a traveller, then you are probably constantly looking for ways to save money or to save time.

You probably don’t want to spend all of your time in the airport waiting for your flight.

You probably don’t want to spend all of your time in the hotel room in the lobby wondering where to go.

Fortunately for you, there are ways to make your time in a new place more productive and enjoyable.

How long can Travellers stay on council land?

While councils and landowners differ, a lot of them have the same rules and policies when it comes to camping on their land, and that is to ask permission before you pitch up.

Although the rules are not always detailed, most councils are happy for you to stay for up to three nights.

Council-owned land is a frequently used playground for travellers. Many are drawn to the beautiful countryside that offers cheap camping without having to pay any fees or permits.

What happens if Travellers refuse to leave council land?

If you’re asked to move off council land, there may be consequences. If you don’t comply, your vehicle could be towed away by police, who will then charge you for the cost of removing it from public property. You could also face fines or even jail time.

The best way to avoid this situation is to make sure you know what local laws apply in each area where you plan to camp.

This means knowing whether you need to get permission from the owner of the land first, and how much notice they require.

It’s important to remember that many people do not want strangers sleeping on their lawns so try to keep an eye out for signs like ‘No Camping Allowed’.

You should never assume that just because someone says “it’s okay” that you’re allowed to set up shop wherever you please. Always check with locals about the law before pitching up. 

How to evict travellers from council land?

There are two main ways to remove travellers from council land:

  • Police action – In which case, officers would issue a warning letter, but no one has been arrested yet.
  • Court order – A court order requires the traveller to vacate the premises within 24 hours. They must pack all belongings into vehicles and drive away.

In both cases, the person responsible for enforcing the eviction needs to contact the relevant authority to arrange removal services.

Can the Council remove travellers from council land immediately?

The Council of Ministers are proposing that they can evict travellers from their holidays homes on council land immediately, without the need to prove that the land is unoccupied. This change is scheduled to come into effect in 2018.

However, they must now prove that the traveller is habitually resident on the land, and that the traveller does not reside in another part of the UK.

The current rules state that a traveller must reside there for at least 12 months before they can demand that they are removed from the land.

Under the new proposed rules, the Council can evict travellers at any time, without the requirement to prove that the site is unoccupied.

The move comes in line with the Government’s commitment to the housing market under the Housing and Planning Act 2016.

If you have been served with notice to leave, you should take all your belongings with you when you go and leave the property exactly as it was when you arrived.

If you refuse to leave, you can be taken to court and could face a larger fine.

  • Illegal encampments / Unauthorised encampments

The Council has confirmed were planning to evict those people that have been living illegally on the council’s land since mid-July and have been living in tents, caravans and even tents on top of caravans.

We have been instructed by the council that they are going to have a police presence every day to ensure that this is being carried out.

  • Criminal offences

The Council has the ability to remove travellers from a camp where they are not in control of the land, and to remove any items that are in a camp, to the point where they would be considered illegal and there for a criminal offence.

  • No legal requirements

Living in the 21st century, we are completely dependent on the services provided by the council. They are the ones that collect our waste, maintain the roads and pavements, provides us with electricity and delivers us our water.

The council also has the power, under certain circumstances, to remove travellers from council land immediately due to no legal requirements.

What can be done to stop further illegal encampments on council land?

It’s all too easy for people to lose sight of the fact that there are half a million houses on council land in UK. Many of these properties are occupied by squatters, and as a result, the people living in them are not properly paying for the services and facilities they use.

In many cases, the squatters are also involved in illegal activities, such as dealing drugs or gambling.

There are many things that councils can do to prevent these situations occurring again:

  • Ensure that local residents know about the camping ban so they don’t complain if they see someone setting up an illegal campsite.
  • Make sure that anyone who lives or works near a caravan park knows what happens when they set up a tent or campervan on private land.
  • Provide information leaflets explaining how to report illegal encampment sites to the council.

What happens if travellers return to council land?

Travellers returning to the countryside have a right to freely enter and leave the land, but are now being charged by landowners. The landowner can be an individual, or a company that has permission from a council to sell in the open market.

Councils can charge statutory fees for camping and other services if they are supplying these services.

If travellers return to council land without permission, then the council may be able to take action to move them on.

What are the Common law process if travellers return to council land?

If travellers return to land after the council has served a notice, the council should serve a further notice within 28 days. This notice can require the travellers to leave immediately or give a later date by which they must leave.

If the later date is given, the council must go to court within a reasonable time of the date on the notice expiring. The use of the Common law process is time consuming and costly for local authorities.

Limits for Travellers on a council lands

Travellers on council-owned land are entitled to use the land for a period of 7 days for every period of 12 months, subject to permission being granted by the managing authority.

Councils that own land can use their power to restrict access, called a ‘charge’ or ‘entry fee’. The council can choose to allow access or deny it, likely on the basis that they want to protect a specific area.

Julien Beaubien

Julien Beaubien

Julien here. Traveller, a fan of leather bags and a blogger. Put all those together and you have I started the site as a medium for my ramblings. Over time, I grew to realise, people actually like them. So now, I am out to help and educate (while entertaining people!).

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